Ways we can think wrongly about Exercise

So I posted a comparison of The Obesity Code and The Calorie Myth earlier and one of the differences between them is their emphasis on exercise. The Obesity Code is of the opinion that exercise is not an effective method of losing weight but The Calorie Myth highly encourages exercise and certain types of exercise quite a bit. Now, Jason Fung of the Obesity Code thinks exercise is great for lots of reasons, don't get me wrong, just not as a weight loss strategy. I think he might also say that there may be some benefit for weight loss but that in the grand scheme of things the benefit is fairly small in comparison to what we eat and it's impact on our weight. I bring this up just to say that while I think that exercise for me in the past may have helped me with some weight loss, I think it has also been not so helpful as well. I think it has been easy for me to think wrongly about exercise. For example - some wrong ways of thinking, "No pain, no gain." or "I can eat whatever, I'll just exercise it off." or "Exercise is a form of punishment for the bad eating that I've done." or "I need to exercise for longer and longer because I have so many food sins to atone for." I remember even being jealous of the Greatest Loser contestants at times because they could dedicate their whole life to exercise for a time, wow that is some crazy thinking! I'm glad I don't think that anymore, now, I'm so glad I was never on that show. These are some of the ways that I have thought wrongly about exercise. I also remember a time when I was eating about a 1300 calorie diet and exercising out the wazoo, playing basketball for a couple of hours a day as well as jogging about 4 miles on my own and I induced in myself a massive hunger one night that caused me to snap and consume a massive amount of pb and j sandwiches like I never had before in my life or since. What's interesting is that I had been on the Nutri-System diet for awhile and had lost some weight but had gotten tired of needing to pay for their special diet foods. So I went on my own 1300 calorie diet because that's what they said theirs was and when I asked them about this binge I'd had they responded by saying well there are certain proprietary additives in their 1300 calorie diet that suppress hunger and provide satiety that I wouldn't get on a real food diet. Well that was eye opening! Of course they didn't want to talk about what they add to their foods, it was their secret, their business. The reason I need to buy their foods. No thanks! Just some thoughts on thinking wrongly about exercise!


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