
Showing posts from March, 2019

Wanna know how to collapse your heart disease risk? Ok then. -Ivor Cummins

I just listened to this and this could save your life or someone you know!  Please listen!

The purpose of health food according to Seventh-day Adventist prophetess Ellen White- I had no idea!

“The health food business... is to supply the people with food which will take the place of flesh meat, and also milk and butter...”. Ellen White, prophetess for the Seventh-day Adventist

Our Dietary Health Guidelines and the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Seventh-day Adventist’s have been largely responsible for creating and controlling our national dietary guidelines. Perhaps this is too strong of a statement but maybe not. This link goes over the history of our dietary guidelines. I posted this the other day and one person commented. But I just can’t stop thinking about it. It just blows my mind. I didn’t see this coming!! It’s really long so I get it if people aren’t interested. But I just thought I’d throw it out there, one more time in case someone missed it who would find it as fascinating as I do.

Peter Attia: What if we're wrong about diabetes?

Yesterday I posted a comparison between "The Obesity Code" and "The Calorie Myth" and one of the differences is the view on exercise. "The Obesity Code" takes the view that while there are many excellent reasons to exercise, the role of exercise in weight loss is minimal. Almost 1/3 of "The Calorie Myth" covers exercise and specifically what types of exercise. I have been told for so long that to lose weight I need to "eat less and exercise more" that it's kind of hard to  let go of that mindset. But I have learned several reasons as to why exercise is not the key to weight loss. Don't get me wrong I think exercise is fabulous for many other things, it's not that I don't think exercise is good, but as I mentioned in another post yesterday, there are lots of ways I think I have gone wrong in my thinking about exercise. One of the evidences as to why exercise is not the key to weight loss is this guy named Peter Attia. H...

Ways we can think wrongly about Exercise

So I posted a comparison of The Obesity Code and The Calorie Myth earlier and one of the differences between them is their emphasis on exercise. The Obesity Code is of the opinion that exercise is not an effective method of losing weight but The Calorie Myth highly encourages exercise and certain types of exercise quite a bit. Now, Jason Fung of the Obesity Code thinks exercise is great for lots of reasons, don't get me wrong, just not as a weight loss strategy. I think he  might also say that there may be some benefit for weight loss but that in the grand scheme of things the benefit is fairly small in comparison to what we eat and it's impact on our weight. I bring this up just to say that while I think that exercise for me in the past may have helped me with some weight loss, I think it has also been not so helpful as well. I think it has been easy for me to think wrongly about exercise. For example - some wrong ways of thinking, "No pain, no gain." or "I can ...

Comparing The Obesity Code by Jason Fung to The Calorie Myth by Jonathon Bailor

Comparison of The Obesity Code and The Calorie Myth -Someone asked me if I had heard of Jonathon Bailor and the Sane Solution because it seems to be inline with some of the stuff I've been posting. And the answer is Yes, I am a little familiar with him. I have Jonathan's book, The Calorie Myth (like I confessed - I have a lot of diet books) and I read it a couple of years ago and I liked it! The question caused me to review it and there is a lot of good stuff in there, similar to stuff I've been posting. So it made me wonder, why do I like the Obesity Code so much better? Why do I feel like "The Obesity Code" is making more of an impact on my life than what reading "The Calorie Myth" did? Perhaps its just a matter of timing and it has nothing to do with the material but it's a matter of me and my situation, my evolution of thought. But perhaps "The Calorie Myth" being part of that evolution of thought helped prepare me to allow The Obesity...

Just mind boggling, eye opening, no wonder diet discussions are infused with such religious fervor because a religion - Seventh-day Adventist is very involved!!! This is just mind boggling! I had no idea there were connections between corn flakes, veganism, nutritional institutions, discouraging masturbation, 7th day Adventist’s, temperance, Harvard, Coke and our national dietary guidelines! I see the cereal aisle in a whole new light now! # isupportgary

Read "Pure, White and Deadly" by John Yudkin, I wished we had listened to this man back in the day!!!!

So while listening to Dr. Lustig, I became interested in the researcher he refers to, named John Yudkin. Yudkin was a contemporary of the famous Ancel Keys who came up with the idea that saturated fat causes heart disease. Yudkin however felt that sugar was the culprit. Ancel Keys' hypothesis dominated the time and has had a vice grip on our nation for 60 years or so but I think Yudkin's theory is proving closer to the mark and will have the last word. Listening to Yudkin's book, "Pure, White and Deadly" was fascinating. Particularly humanizing was, towards the end of the book, when he shared his own struggle with a love of sugar.

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

What does seem pretty clear is that table sugar is not my friend if I don't want to become insulin resistant or develop type 2 diabetes. Attached is a video I watched about sugar that I would highly recommend. Now maybe some of you have seen this video already.  I think it's interesting that I think I watched it several years ago. So why didn't it have much of an impact on me then I've wondered? Well for one he calls sugar a poison.  That strikes me as a pretty radical  assessment. How could it be a poison if it's something I've been eating all my life and I'm still here? As well as so many others I see around me. So while I'm sure I was incensed with the info at the time it didn't lead to lasting change. As I listened to it this second time however, I thought of the term poison a little differently. Instead of something that kills you immediately upon ingestion I thought of times in history where subordinates poisoned their superiors slowly by degre...

Lots to learn about controlling Insulin

So "how do I control my insulin?", is something I wondered. Some of you may have heard of the glycemic index or perhaps you have even heard of a food's glycemic load which is even more pertinent information than the glycemic index. At first I thought controlling insulin was just all about glycemic load. But I've learned it's more complicated than that. It's not just food that determines our insulin response but it turns out our genetics plays a big role, not much we can do about that. But here are some other things that we can control- Sleep and Exercise and Muscle mass. And I probably haven't covered it all. Insulin is apparently a pretty powerful and complicated hormone.

If you want to control your fat you must control your insulin

One of the things I learned from Ben Bikman- Why is weight control not just about calories in calories out? Without insulin you cannot store fat. Period!!!! Think about that, insulin is the gatekeeper to the entrance and exit of fat in your cells. This is why a symptom of type 1 diabetes is losing weight no matter, no matter!!! how many calories they eat. My takeaway is -Clearly if you want to control your fat you must control your insulin.

Read "The Obesity Code" by Dr. Jason Fung

After watching the video with Dr. Fung, I listened to Dr. Fung's book called The Obesity Code, twice. I love, love, love this book! I have a lot of diet books! And this is my FAVORITE!!!! It just put everything in perspective for me! And helped me see how hard it would have been to find the right information during the time I've lived. It's not that the truth has been completely missing but that it's been so mixed up with wrong ideas that it is no wonder I along with so  many other people are confused. So I found a little grace with the book as well as excellent advice on weight loss. He explains why a calorie is NOT just a calorie. That idea is soooooooo MISLEADING! It's a cover-up for the sugar and highly processed food industry that doesn't want to get sidelined because they aren't offerering REAL FOOD! And how funny is that, that we have to distinguish REAL FOOD from all the other food-like stuff that fills the supermarket shelves.
After I had watched one of the videos with Ben Bikman, I happened to read some of the comments below the video and I came across a comment about a Dr. Jason Fung. And then I watched this video of Jason Fung - and it's only 3 minutes long! Here's the link -

Best Diet for Insulin Resistance (+ Extra Tips) • Dr Benjamin Bikman

And here is another.

Get Into Ketosis Quick w/ Insulin to Glucagon Balance - Ben Bikman, PhD

Here is another video of Ben Bikman that I watched and shared on Facebook.

The Plagues of Prosperity | Benjamin Bikman

What I shared on Facebook - I've struggled with weighing more than I'd like for a long time now. I remember starting my first diet in 6th grade. Even when I weighed what I would like to weigh now, I struggled. I wished like many people, that I could just eat what I want and weigh what I want, like some people that I observed seemed to do. Last fall several members of my family and I began an attempt to lose some weight with the Loseit app. Things seemed to work fairly well for a month or so and then  the holidays hit and you can probably imagine what that did to the diet. Again I wondered, like maybe some of you, how do some people seem free to eat the celebratory foods without weight issues but others don't? At the beginning of the year, I thought I would summon up the energy to renew my pledge to Loseit. But I couldn't do it. The idea of being hungry for the many, many weeks I would need to lose all the weight I need to was just too depressing. Also although trackin...

The Beginning of My Health Revolution

I've had an interest in health and weight control ever since I was 12 and bought my first diet book from one of those Scholastic Book Orders you get at school.  I was kind of concerned because I weighed more than 100 pounds and that sounded like a lot to my 12 year old mind.  I think I weighed 120 and was 5' 4" at the time and thought I should be 110.  And I have to smile about it now but again to my 12 year old mind the idea of losing 10 pounds sounded really daunting!  How I wish I could go back and talk to that 12 year old at that time!!  What would I say to that 12 year old?  Well first of all I would tell her that weighing 120 is perfectly fine for her!  It would take a lot of persuasion to convince her of this fact but I would keep at it until I had.  And then I would explain that if she wanted to do control her weight she should not worry about calories but eat as little as possible of processed foods specifically refined sugars, refined gr...